Floof Company Webring is a yet another ring for fluffy critters > It uses rust under the hood, btw

Joining & rules
Anyone fluffy can join, if your site doesn't have any of the bad stuff The main webring rule is to simply keep the required webring links on your site and in an easily accessible place, so the "ring" doesn't break > To join the ring, please contact Houl

Available ring links
webring.floof.company (Required, just a link to this page) webring.floof.company/next?from=yoursite.tld (Required) webring.floof.company/prev?from=yoursite.tld (Required) webring.floof.company/random (Optional, redirects to a random ring member)

Joining the ring does not give you access to FCMS and other more private Floof Company projects :p (Also this page is temporary because we're rewriting our site) ((pls don't explode me for bad css and overflows and stuff :neofox_floof:)) (((vel was here and approves of this)))

Current members
> Floof Company itself - floof.company > Houl - houl.floof.company > Ceru - derpy.place > Freeplay - freeplay.floof.company > therwi - therwi.net > scrumpy - uwu.gal > oli - floof.gay > tasia - tasiaiso.vulpecula.zone > Vel - tokio.gay